Ryan's Smashing Life on Break Thru Radio

Yours truly did a little bit more talking about music than usual this week. I appeared yesterday on Break Thru Radio - a question and answer piece on the Bloggeratti program with talented host - DJ RachelAndTheCity. The piece is intended, I suppose, to meet traveled music bloggers from all over the country. We did the briefest of profiles, talked about the blog and then I got to spin some records. Pretty cool.

Thanks Rachel! Talking with you was very fun. The offer stands about you coming to stay for a day or two and to check out the city. We've got great music, beer and sports teams here in Boston. There is a cold pint and a shot awaiting!

This is my second radio interview in the last 3 weeks.

Just recently I appeared on 95bFM - the best independent and new music channel south of the equator (I'm not even close to kidding) - 95b is broadcast out of Auckland, New Zealand! On that Live Wire program I discuss the often misunderstood but growing practice of album leaks - including some particularly high-profile incidents of the last year! Here's the link to that write-up and the interview.


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