Boston's Eldridge Rodriguez releases the THUNDER CHIEF EP album - 2nd Record of 2007

Add "prolific" to the various positive attributes belonging to Boston's Eldridge Rodriguez. The talented Beatings frontman has already released one of the best national releases this year with his full length album "This Conspiracy Against Us" (check it out and pick that one up!) and just this week, Midriff Records made available a download-only EP called "... and the Thunder Chief" - which picks up right where "Conspiracy" left off!

"... and the Thunder Chief"
the New Record - Available for Download:

As an E-Release, Midriff Records is able to see the EP for just $5. And having listened to it, drop the five spot - it's well worth it!

Midriff's description: The 5 new tracks recorded by Greg Lyon and E.R., and produced and mixed by E.R., range stylistically from simple vocals and guitar campfire songs, to sweeping noise ballads, to experimental noise tracks. It's dark and fun, creepy and welcoming. We hope you will enjoy it.


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